My rating: 4 of 5 stars
First rating on Goodreads... I feel obligated to say something.
I debated how many stars to give this. The characterization is intense, the world-building is solid and the dialogue flows smoothly. And the text is clean, so far as grammar and typos -- something I've come to value a lot since I started reading free e-samples.
But the plot. It moves at a rather glacial pace. At the end, it feels like this has all been set-up for the next part of the story. Which I would not mind seeing, by the way, dear author...
I read the free sample, which was a generous first half of the book, and at the end of the sample I could not have told you what Martin's goal was, aside from physical survival (which should not be under-rated, admittedly.) Yet I bought the second half, and I don't have much of a book budget these days.
No regrets. As I said, the characterization is intense. So I'm giving this four stars and hoping to see more from Ms. Jennings.
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1 comment:
This good to hear. I've perused the Crossed Genres site before and keep seeing Broken Slate, but didn't have a good idea of whether it was an epub experiment or an actual story worth reading. Glad to know someone else took the plunge and found it valuable.
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